National Art League

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The National Art League is a non-profit organization managed and run by volunteers. The dedication of volunteers has been central to the growth and vitality of the League. By helping to create a diverse community of members who reach out and serve the public, our volunteers further the mission of the League.
Adult Volunteer Activities
Below is a list of roles that we are currently seeking volunteers:
Time Commitment
We host ten to twelve exhibitions every year. We need someone to take responsibility
for the First Place Winners Show held in October in the 2nd floor gallery space. The Chairperson is responsible for the overall exhibition – from receiving artwork to removal. Time commitment is minimal. You will need to be at the League on three occasions during a one-month period: first, to receive the artwork; second, to participate in the reception; and finally, to facilitate the removal of the artwork, computer skills and gallery hanging experience a plus but not necessary.
Demonstration Night:
Time Commitment – every First Friday of the month (except in July and August)
Every demo night we rearrange the 1st floor to set the room up for the artist that will be demonstrating (i.e. move the tables, set up chairs etc.) and move the tables back into the center of the room when the demo is over.
Gallery Arrangement and Hanging:
Time Commitment – monthly
Take responsibility for hanging the monthly exhibitions.
Time Commitment – ongoing
All shows are judged with the exception of the Teacher's Show and the Holiday Show. We are always looking for help with finding good and reputable judges for our exhibitions.
Time Commitment – Daily, 2 - 4 hrs
Greet visitors between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Outdoor Events:
The NAL participates in community events to showcase our art work and services. Volunteers are needed to help greet visitors.
The League also provides ongoing internship opportunities for high school and college students to volunteer their time and learn about the business of running an art league.
If interested in any of the above activities, contact
Marie Marsina, President
718-224-3957 or email

Annual Open Show Reception
Demonstration by Jack Webb
Sue Herz & Louise Weck at Douglaston Village Outdoor Fair

Intern: Catherine Park at the Small & Big Works Show Reception