National Art League

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David Ivanishvili
I was born in Georgia in 1972. I had great desire and love for art from an early of my age. At an early age, I used to create designs of houses and other objects with my imagination. I kept all these as sketches . After graduating from school, I actively started painting with oil paints on canvas, the very first oil painting on canvas was bought by a surgeon living in Russia, who was a collector.
Then I worked intensively and tried to create my own style different from anybody else, that was my creative goal.
My first group exhibition was "Days of France in Kakheti" where I presented five works and they were taken in Burgundy auction and all works were sold.
Since then, I have organized many exhibitions in different countries of the world. I am a member of the Union of Culture and Science of IACA Malta, I am also a member of the Union of Artists of Georgia, I have the Medal of Honor of Georgia, the Order of Ukraine for the contribution to culture and many other international awards.
At this stage, I paint in the modernist impressionism style, which attracts a lot of attention from the public I have a great desire to introduce my creativity to the American public, as well as to plan master classes for those who wish and to take care of the rehabilitation of people for whom creativity and this process are a kind of therapy.

Oil 15.7" x 19.6"

Oil 18.5" x15.7"

Oil 30" x 24"

Oil 19.6" x 27.5"

Oil 19.6" x 15.7"

Acrylic 31.5" x 39.5"

Oil 48" x 48"

Oil 27.5" x 23.6"

Oil 15.7" x 19.6"

Oil 15.7" x 19.6"