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National Art League

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Coney Island Photography Group Show:
July 20 to July 30, 2015
Teachers Marc Josloff and Howard Rose hosted
Photography workshop in Coney Island
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PS811Q Student Group Show: July 6 to July 18, 2015
PS811Q is a school for students with special needs.
Art Teacher: Alice Anasa
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Children's and Pre-College Portfolio Prep Students Exhibition
June 1 - June 20, 2015
Children ages 7 - 12 artwork on display in watercolor, pastel, colored pencils, collage, mixed media and acrylic. Pre-College teens ages 13 - 18 in all mediums.
Click on artwork to see additional images Judge: Bart DeCeglie
Award of Excellence winners
85th Annual Juried Open Exhibition
May 4 - May 30, 2015
Member and non-member show. 88 pieces of artwork on display in all mediums: oil, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, colored pencils, sculpture, collage, mixed media and acrylic.
Click on artwork to see additional images - Judge: Joe Gyurcsak
1st Place Winner
Diana DeSantis
Best in Show
Mun Hee Park
Best in Show
Gus Rodriquez
Fine Art Raffle - April 26, 2015
Members donate their own original artwork to be raffled. This fundraiser presents an opportunity for members, their family and friends, and the community to bid on and win an original artwork they admire.
Click on artwork to see additional images.
March Members' Theme Exhibition
"Celebrating the Big Apple"
March 2 - March 28, 2015
“Celebrating the Big Apple” - an artist interpretation of any and all aspects of the life or history of New York City, including it’s buildings, landscape and people.
Click on artwork to see additional images - Judge: Kevin McEvoy
1st Place Winner
Stan Jorgensen
Big & Small Works Exhibition
February 2 - February 28, 2015
Small works a maximum of 12" x 12" and large works a minimum of 30" on all sides.
Click on artwork to see additional images - Judge: Simon Dinnerstein
1st Place Winner
Rita Wilmers
Students' Exhibition
January 5 - January 31, 2015
Our talented students display their artwork. Work in all mediums: oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor and mixed media.
Click on artwork to see additional images.
Award of Excellence
Margo Vignola
Award of Excellence
Paul David Elsen
Holiday Exhibition
November 23 - January 3, 2014
Holiday show featured193 pieces of artwork by our member artists. Work in all mediums: oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, charcoal, mixed media, collage, sculpture, pottery and assemblage.
Click on artwork to see additional images.
Artwork by Bart DeCeglie
October 27 - November 22, 2014
Annual show showcasing our artist members'. Medals are awarded by media.
Click on artwork to see additional images.
Diana DeSantis
Instructors' Exhibition
September 8 - September 27, 2014
For more information on our talented instructors click on Teachers on the navigation bar.
Click on artwork to see additional images.
Artist Teacher:
Robert Silverman
First Place Winner:
Elizabeth Elcik
Drawing Exhibition
September 29 - October 25, 2014
The range of mediums in the Drawing Show were pencil, charcoal, pastel, crayon and ink. The subjects ranged from figurative identifiable images to non-representational images.
Click on artwork to see additional images of the Award winners artwork.
First Place Winners' Group Exhibition
September 29 - October 25, 2014
This show honors the top award winners from our past years exhibitions. Six artists were represented in the show: Ann Bragg, Heidi Harvey, Vivian Hershfield, Gail Postal, Joan Stevens and Shawn Sullivan.
Click on artwork to see images of their artwork.
Artwork by Joan Stevens
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